Last week we were very lucky to have the visit to the centre from a school in Lorquí.In total 100 kids learned about Galgos in the two visits we had from school Maestro Jesus Garcia. The first day the weather didn’t help much but kids still were amazing and involved from the very beginning in the visit. The second day kids were a bit older and they all immediately bonded with us in what we call our mission: Let people know how wonderful Galgos are. Talana stole the show doing an amazing morning in the brain games,agility,stop and smell station….who would think that this dog was going to be put to sleep a couple of months ago because she was no more useful for her owner and know she is teaching kids how wonderful Galgos are…life surprises you in many ways.

Owner wanted in this poster.

More drawings more happy faces.

Learning why dogs need to be microchiped.

Memory game in progress.

Talana is ten years old and masters the brain games like a PRO.

A lovely drawing from another kid.

Never miss an opportunity to ask!!