We’re delighted to see Antonio and his galga from Arca de Noe being so well received in schools. These photos are from a day spent at CEIP LUIS MATEO CASASIMARRO – where once again the students were given a presentation about the importance of animal...


This time it was the turn of the students at IES ANDRES DE VANDELVIRA to receive an animal welfare talk from Antonio at Arca de...
Yanis makes friends

Yanis makes friends

The Atenea Association contacted  Arca de Noe about arranging a talk with a group of young people.Jisseth took along Yanis, a gorgeous galga, to make friends. She hopes that she has helped these young people understand more about the work they do, and how they can...
Galgo visits to a summer school

Galgo visits to a summer school

Jisseth from the Arca de Noe rescue in Albacete is back out in the community helping young people understand galgos. These photos are from a visit to a summer school in July where she talked to two groups of youngsters.  The children were aged from 3 to 16 years....
Back to school for Arca de Noè

Back to school for Arca de Noè

The team at Arca de Noè were really excited to finally reopen for visits and talks. During their first visit in February, they worked with a group of children from el Aula de la Naturaleza. The children loved meeting Zeus,  the new Arca de Noè talks companion.  He was...
Play GalGo!

Play GalGo!

Have you played our game GalGo?  Join Pietro, Rosa, Spike and Ginny on their adventures and learn about galgos as you go! Galgo! can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Play Store.  Check out our...