Poster Pack
Download our poster pack to tell everyone about galgos! Poster 1 is all about why galgos make...
Design your own rescue shelter
We've created this fun activity to design your own Rehoming Shelter. It comprises a box (that...
March Competition Winners
Check out the fantastic winning entries in our March galgo poster competition. First place...
March Poster Competition is open!
Our March Poster Competition is open. Check out the entries we have received from the young...
Arca de Noè education
Antonia and Abi from Arca de Noè have been busy visiting schools and educating young people...
SOS Galgos school visits
Some photos from a school visit to the SOS Galgos education centre in Barcelona in January....
December competition winners
Well done to our December competition winners. Check out the awesome winning entry and 2nd...
We have had some fantastic poster competition entries from the children at CEIP DON QUIJOTE Y...
October Poster Competition Winners
Announcing the winners of our October poster competition! As usual, they were all so good, it...
Arca de Noe school visits
October got off to a good start for Arca de Noe with school visits to CRA Laguna de Petrola...