We have had a very special visit with just a few kids ready to enjoy our education program onsite. Yesterday June the 27th we enjoyed a lovely afternoon with kids coming from different parts of Murcia. Of course, we did many things as a debate about GALGOS, walking one of our sweet dogs along the sensory walk etc. but the thing they enjoyed most was that each of the kids made a GALGO puppet!!! You can see the results in the pictures and their faces say it all. We can’t wait to have more visits like this one this summer!!

Tina, Galgos del Sol

Happy face and happy GALGO.

More happy faces!

Working hard gives great results so they did work hard.

Two GALGOS having a walk….hehehehe

Littel ones also like to paint.

Proud owner of a new GALGO

All the kids got a few presents for being so good
